What Is The Best Lube For Anal Sex?

So  You’re planning some anal sex. Maybe you’re using a toy, maybe you have a cute guy coming over for some fun, or maybe you’re going all out on fisting. Regardless, you want to be prepared. And part of that means having the best lube for the job on hand. Not all lubes are created equal, and different lubes perform better at different tasks. So, for the realms of anal sex - let’s break that down a bit.

What are the different types of lube

The lubes that are relevant for anal sex would be:

  • Water-based
  • Silicone
  • Cum lube 
  • Xlube 

Each of these have their own benefits and drawbacks depending on exactly what you’re wanting to get up to. You may also just generally prefer the feel of one lube over another, which is another perfectly good reason to preference one over the other. 

You may come across Bator Balm in your travels; this lube is specifically for masturbation, so we’ll be leaving it out of this guide. 

Best lube for anal sex

Silicone lube is the best choice for most of you having anal sex. It’s easy to find, quick to use and provides a good amount of glide. Compared to water-based lube, the defining differentiation is that it won’t dry out as much. By not drying out, you won’t need to reapply lube as often as other water-based lubes. 

Things to bear in mind when using silicone lube, it does stain. So put down a towel or some sheets you don’t mind getting messy. A benefit that doesn’t get talked about as often is the fact it’s waterproof. So if you’re looking to have anal sex in the shower, or alternatively are also down for some piss play, silicone lube is your gal. 

You do have choices though. Water-based lube is perfectly fine and possibly easier to find in stores. Just be thoughtful to regularly reapply when you feel any friction coming back to avoid discomfort and damage to you and your partner.

You’ll also often see cum lube in stores. Cum lube as a form of water-based lube, is equally suitable and can be substituted in any situation that general water-based lube is acceptable in. The lube itself is formulated to mimic cum, from its milky colour to its stringy texture. Generally cum lube is non-toxic and can be ingested, but check the packaging before attempting. 

Best lube for toys

If you’re planning on using toys for anal sex, the options change up a bit. 

Be careful with using silicone lube with silicone-based toys. Quite often a melting reaction can occur which will ruin your toy. Check the toy manufacturer’s website to see if their toys are applicable with silicone lube. For the record, Twisted Beast’s fantasy dildos can be used with silicone lube, but will require a good strong clean afterwards. If your toy can’t use silicone lube, the best option is a water-based lubricant, or in the case of larger toys, you may want to use Xlube (more on this under fisting). 

For all other toy materials, glass etc, we’d recommend silicone lube. That way you’re not having to constantly stop / start to reapply. 

Best lube for fisting 

So, we’re upgrading to serious anal sex now. Serious anal calls for serious lube. Water-based lubes simply won’t have enough longevity for such intense activities, and while silicone lube is technically viable, better options do exist. 

Xlube is specifically formulated for rough anal sex and fisting.It’s durable, sticky, non-scented and has no taste. While yes, you will still need to reapply Xlube, each dose will last far longer than any other lubes.

One of the big benefits of Xlube is the price. The lube itself comes stored as dry granules that you turn into lube yourself at home. One bottle makes over 20 litres of lube, making it incredibly cheap per use. 

Generally it’s pretty easy to create at home, for ease we’ve also created a little guide on how to mix Xlube.

A warning on numbing lubes

Some stores will sell numbing lubes, marketed towards taking the edge off anal sex. While anal sex can be discomfortable, it shouldn’t be too painful that you’re looking to buy numbing lubes. If it’s hurting too much, you need to slow down and listen to your body. Numbing lubes can cause you to push you beyond your body’s limits and cause some serious damage. Do bare this in mind when shopping for lubes. 

So - when it comes to anal sex you have a range of lubes you can pick. Give them all a go. Find out what works for you and your body. Which textures, smells, stickiness you enjoy. As long as you follow the above advice and realistically can’t go wrong. Enjoy yourself!

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